Sunday, September 27, 2009

-- Ironwood MI--Vendors from the Up and (Growing) Flea Market on Friday the 25th...

This is fine, but for a full size slideshow...

but for a full size display... scroll to the bottom and click there

~This compilation of the fun, comaraderie as well as the vision and determination in the spirits of these folks who love what they do and want to share the opportunity , (if not, at least there special wares) with you!

Come join us!... We are only just beginning--to be sure.

Same Day, More Tables

It's the hope of all of the vendors, and many of the locals, that we'll keep the market open all winter long. Just imagine how nice it would be to bundle up on the week-end when the rummage sales are done for the season... and drop on in for a hot cup of java and a home made sweet--couple this with the warmth ofthe people, leisurely milling around and chatting together, sharing ideas, catching up on thew, and the s.h.o.p.p.i.n.g.!
It would certainly be a welcome diversion and a nice retreat and gathering place.

There's room for a lot of people here... and there is an opportunity for practically everyone with a hobby making things or collecting...and the list goes on!... things that others would love!

Some have a side businesses they could promote right here!

Again, $ The More (people coming through, and the more vendors here for them to come visit every week-end) The Merrier $

There is such a supportive core bunch of folks here already... What a great opportunity there is for all!

~~More interesting here than a mall boutique or run-of-the-mill, chain gift and card shops ;)

What? A $2.00 sticker on that charming snuggly throw?--You just don't find great buys like this at the department stores!...
__Gotta Love it!__

oh, the intersting things you run into here... something to tickle everyone's fancy!

(As it says on the photo above)
A Goodly amount of space = room to grow...
...location+diversity+ spirit = traffic, volume and profits!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Welcome to Vendor Central (a few introductions)

...And to our Market of Merchants!

Miss Camarie is tending the vending!
This family works together weaving fabulously quaint, not to mention gorgeous throw rugs from assorted fine fibers.
**Homespun/boutique quality at reasonable prices!

**Friendly banter or antique business never know!

**A satisfied customer or an all-around friendly guy!

**Looking closely -- treasure hunting ;)

The "Gem-Shop" :)

...and alas, there is much here and much room to grow...

Mr. Hannu is quite the entrepreneur...

Many folks up here have the "aquired or inbred" knack of making lemon-aid from lemons!
Way to go!

~To the right you see a local fundraiser...full of goodies...and a nice hot jolt of java!

**There are already many vendors.

**There is a huge amount of available space

**And a wonderful opportunity for more to come and join in the fun!

~This is the front entrance. Hopefully, it will look very different soon, as I am working on setting up a Portrait Studio right here!
Think kids & pets...
Or kids...
Or pets...
(or really anyone wanting portraits ;)
Also -- we're looking to book
Santa in November!

~For more about my "ShutterSisters Portrait Photo-Art", click here.